Printing a Confirmation Letter

Affiliated Competition Student Team Members will have the ability to print out a Registration Confirmation Letter for the individual competition(s) that they are attending. Once a student team member affiliates themselves to their team’s profile page under their individual edit section. They will have the opportunity to print out their personalized letter with the following information: Student's Name, the School's Name, the SAE Competition Name, Official Dates and Location(s).

Please be advised that SAE International cannot intervene with, or call or send personal letters to, the State Departments, Embassies or Consulates of the United States or other governments on behalf of any meeting or event participant.


  1. Navigate to the event that your team is registered for on
  2. Click on the Profile tab.
  3. Click on your Team Name.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Confirmation Letter button.
  5. An auto-generated letter will display. Click the Print Letter button.