Baja SAE Carolina Registration Re-Opened

1/23/2025 2:52:43 PM ET   Baja SAE Series

We are pleased to inform you that we re-opened registration for the Baja SAE Carolina event October 2-5, 2025.

Any team who is not currently registered and teams looking to add a second car are able to register!

The second vehicle should represent an entirely separate team from your university's initial registration. This ensures diversity in submissions and team composition. Furthermore, we kindly request that you select a distinctly different team name for this additional entry to maintain clarity, professionalism and reduce confusion for the affiliation process. You cannot compete in scored activities for BOTH teams, you can only choose one team to affiliate to.

Should you be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to expand your school's presence, please register. We believe this initiative will contribute to a more diverse and engaging competition. If you have any questions about having a second car, please submit a rules question on, the rule number is A.6.2.2.