Creating an account on

Within 72 hours, your team information will be transferred from to


  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your information. Choose Team Captain / Team Advisor (Authorization Number Required) or Team Member (non-Captain).
  3. Click the Next button.
  4. Select your University from the School List. If your University begins with “University of…,” it may be listed as “University of…” or “Univ of….“
    Select your Team.
  5. Enter your Display Name. This is the name that will be displayed instead of your account username in the team-related areas of the site. This should be a name by which others will easily recognize you.
  6. This will create a request that will be sent to the Team Captain / Advisor for approval. If that person does not yet have an account, encourage them to sign up here and choose the "Team Captain / Advisor" option so that your team can start using this site. Once your request has been approved (or rejected) you will be notified via email.